National Eczema Society was thrilled to have had the opportunity of funding this exciting research study into the impact of sleep disturbance on children with eczema and their families. It’s known as the Supporting children and young people’s sLeep in those with EczEma Programme (SLEEP) study. This study has now completed. We are awaiting the final results which we hope to be able to share soon.

Many children experience disturbed sleep, especially when eczema is severe. Children can wake numerous times during the night, from the discomfort of itchy and painful skin. Sleep disturbance causes tiredness. This is turn affects children’s ability to concentrate, their mood and general well-being. The impact on parents caring for children with eczema can be profound too. For many, eczema starts before the age of two years. Children can develop poor sleep habits early on that they take into later life.

Strategies to manage poor sleep due to eczema usually focus on trying to alleviate the skin symptoms, rather than the sleep problem itself. Using surveys and focus groups, researchers gathered new information to better understand the problems caused by sleep disturbance. They asked about the
sleep strategies children and their parents find effective, including medical treatments, non-medical
approaches and behavioural changes.

The researchers also asked healthcare professionals how they assess and help children and young people with eczema to manage poor sleep. The research findings will provide new evidence to help improve the ways children and young people with eczema are supported to sleep better, as well as informing future research in this field.

The project was led by Dr Connor Broderick and Professor Carsten Flohr, from St John’s
Institute of Dermatology at Guys and St Thomas’s Hospital in London, working with colleagues at other universities and hospitals in the UK. National Eczema Society collaborated with the UK Dermatology Clinical Trials Network – a group of leading dermatologists, dermatology nurses and researchers – to award this research grant. The British Society of Paediatric Dermatology also provided a separate funding award, as part of the Network’s 2021 research call on paediatric dermatology.

Thanks again to all our National Eczdma Society members and other supporters who donated to make this important initiative possible. We are very grateful for your support!